Wednesday 5 May 2021


UGONSA is bringing the gateway for publication to the doorsteps of nurses. Our international journal, “The Nursing Scope” – that took the world by storm in the late 1980s is back to business with Volume 4 set for July 2021. The current publisher will be Wolters Kluwer and the publication is going to be both online and in print with a global readership. With Wolters Kluwer, CINAHL, MEDLINE, and DOAJ indexing is assured. Wolters Kluwers is a topmost giant in global publishing, running publications for Lippincott and other top giants in academy.  For volume 4 Issue 1, UGONSA is waiving out the publication fee for all nurses.  Three (3) issues will be published per annum. Subsequent issues will attract a token of $50 dollars.

UGONSA wants every nurse to have a publication in his/her name. Some graduate works were supervised by the best of our lecturers but were never published anywhere because of lack of finance or not having someone to help the author navigate the process of publishing in journals. Some Masters and Ph.D. works are unpublished for a similar problem. UGONSA is poised to solve such problems through “The Nursing Scope”. The Editors of The Nursing Scope will help you navigate the process of publishing in a journal with ease. The Editors are top academicians and clinicians drawn from Africa, North America, Europe, and Asia. Here are their names,  Institutional Affiliation and Countries of Residence:



Prof.  (Mrs.) Ijeoma O. Ehiemere,

University of Nigeria; The Nursing Scope Main Editorial Office, Nigeria.


Prof. Joseph Osuji

Mount Royal University, Canada.

Prof. Mildred Edet John,

University of Calabar, Nigeria.

Prof. Omolola Oladunni Irinoye

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

Dr. Elkenah Chubike Ndie

National Open University of Nigeria.

Dr. Akon Emmanuel Ndiok

University of Calabar, Nigeria.

Dr. Adenike Adebola Olaitan Olaniyi

University College Hospital, Ibadan.

Nurse Goodluck I. Nshi,

DNP© Aspen University, Denver, CO, U.S.A.

Nurse Baidy Barry Afoi,

Bingham University PMB 0005 Karu, Nasarawa State, Nigeria.

Nurse Ogechukwu A. Nwigbo

Firstcare Beneavin House Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.

Nurse Chijioke O. Nwodoh

University of Nigeria.

Nurse Opeyemi Idowu Ojo

Federal Medical Centre, Owo, Nigeria.

Nurse Nelson C. Okpua

PhD© Universiti Sains Malaysia, Timur Laut, Malaysia.

Below is a brief of the publication guide. Please read through it to understand how you can get your manuscript submitted.

Guidelines for Authors

 The mission of “The Nursing Scope” [A peer-reviewed international Journal of The University Graduates of Nursing Science Association (UGONSA)] is to promote knowledge-based healthcare delivery through global spreading of science-based knowledge in nursing, allied health sciences, medicine, and any field that deals with human health. Papers that convey science-based knowledge are accepted by this Journal.

Papers submitted could be literature reviews, research studies, theoretical frameworks, clinical experiences, and other types of papers that can promote knowledge-based healthcare delivery or science-based knowledge in general. All the documents will be professionally peer-reviewed and evaluated. Following peer evaluation, the editors will get the work published in the next issue.

 General Information

(1) Goals:  The main purpose of The Nursing Scope is to disseminate science-based knowledge globally in nursing, allied health sciences, medicine, and any field that deals with human health through the publication of original papers

(2) What to Do: The Nursing Scope is a place for information on scientific studies, research, theory, philosophy, and technology and advancements in health and healthcare.

(3) Contributors: All researchers, scholars, individuals, and professional bodies are invited to submit manuscripts in nursing, medicine, social sciences, and any field that deals with human or human health.

(4) Distributions: articles on the UGONSA website of the journal are open to the world.

For the subscription

(5) Article Submission Fee: Free of Charge

(6) Publication fee: $50 USD/article (online); $50 USD/issue (hard copy)

(7) Advertisements: The cost will be $20 USD/month on the advertisement banner at the homepage of the journal.

(8) Originality index and proofreading services: To ensure originality of work and eschew plagiarism, the originality index of any work to be published must not be more than 20% when tested with Turnitin plagiarism software. The editors will keep testing and returning every work back to the author (s) until the originality index shows that less than 20% of the work was duplicated from other sources. Proofreading services are also run by the editors to ensure that works being published are professional and meet the international best standards.

Manuscript Submission Process

 (1) Submission Methods: Electronic submission through email,

(2) Reference Format: American Psychological Association (APA) style 7th edition - Microsoft Word; Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt., double-spacing.

(3) Indent: one tab index at the beginning of each new paragraph.

(4) Cover Page: The details of the author (s) should be clearly stated.

 (5) Review: Double-blind review is employed. Authors can also suggest reviewers with their emails.

Manuscript Preparation

Every manuscript is recommended to incorporate the following parts; however, the author(s) is/are at liberty to vary the parts or style:

(1) Title page: including article title; author’s full name; institution(s) to which each author is affiliated, with the city, and country, and e-mail address. Corresponding author(s) should be clearly stated. Freelance authors with no institutional affiliation are also welcome, but their base and address must be provided.

(2) Abstract: including Background, Aims, Methods/Materials, Findings, and Conclusion.

(3) Keywords

(4) Introduction

(5) Materials and Methods

(6) Results

(7) Discussions

(8) Acknowledgements

(9) References


Acknowledgment and Affirmation

When submitting manuscript(s) to the journal, you agree, acknowledge, and affirm the following: That

1.      all the authors have contributed adequately and agree on responsibility for the contents of the article(s).

2.       there is no plagiarism or any other problems. The author(s) is/are fully responsible for the contents of the paper(s) and the author(s) is/are fully responsible for any plagiarism or other problems of the paper(s).

3.      the manuscript(s) have not been published elsewhere.

in regards to copyright responsibility, both the journal and author(s) accepted that the journal and author(s) have equal right to the copyright of the article(s), i.e. either of the journal or author(s) can utilize it in any way without noting the other party.

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